Articles | Volume 23, issue 18
Research article
20 Sep 2023
Research article |  | 20 Sep 2023

Inferring the photolysis rate of NO2 in the stratosphere based on satellite observations

Jian Guan, Susan Solomon, Sasha Madronich, and Douglas Kinnison

Model code and software

Inferring the Photolysis Rate of NO2 in the Stratosphere Based on Satellite Observations J. Guan, S. Solomon, S. Madronich, and D. Kinnison

Short summary
This paper provides a novel method to obtain a global and accurate photodissociation coefficient for NO2 (J(NO2)) based on satellite data, and the results are shown to be consistent with model results. The J(NO2) value decreases as the solar zenith angle increases and has a weak altitude dependence. A key finding is that the satellite-derived J(NO2) increases in the polar regions, in good agreement with model predictions, due to the effects of ice and snow on surface albedo.
Final-revised paper