Articles | Volume 22, issue 11
Research article
08 Jun 2022
Research article |  | 08 Jun 2022

Momentum fluxes from airborne wind measurements in three cumulus cases over land

Ada Mariska Koning, Louise Nuijens, Christian Mallaun, Benjamin Witschas, and Christian Lemmerz
Publisher's note: Benjamin Witschas and Christian Lemmerz were added as co-authors to this paper on 20 October 2023. They originally contributed to the manuscript but were missing in the author list upon publication.


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Short summary
Wind measurements from the mixed layer to cloud tops are scarce, causing a lack of knowledge on wind mixing between and within these layers. We use airborne observations of wind profiles and local wind at high frequency to study wind transport in cloud fields. A case with thick clouds had its maximum transport in the cloud layer, caused by eddies > 700 m, which was not expected from turbulence theory. In other cases large eddies undid transport of smaller eddies resulting in no net transport.
Final-revised paper