Articles | Volume 22, issue 7
Measurement report
14 Apr 2022
Measurement report |  | 14 Apr 2022

Measurement report: Characterization and source apportionment of coarse particulate matter in Hong Kong: insights into the constituents of unidentified mass and source origins in a coastal city in southern China

Yee Ka Wong, Kin Man Liu, Claisen Yeung, Kenneth K. M. Leung, and Jian Zhen Yu


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Short summary
Coarse particulate matter (PM) has been shown to cause adverse health impacts, but compared to PM2.5, the source of coarse PM is less studied through field measurements. We collected chemical composition data for coarse PM in Hong Kong for a 1-year period. Using statistical models, we found that regional transport of fugitive dust is responsible for the elevated coarse PM. This work sets an example of how field measurements can be effectively utilized for evidence-based policymaking.
Final-revised paper