Articles | Volume 22, issue 7
Research article
05 Apr 2022
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2022

Seasonal characteristics of atmospheric peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in a coastal city of Southeast China: Explanatory factors and photochemical effects

Taotao Liu, Gaojie Chen, Jinsheng Chen, Lingling Xu, Mengren Li, Youwei Hong, Yanting Chen, Xiaoting Ji, Chen Yang, Yuping Chen, Weiguo Huang, Quanjia Huang, and Hong Wang


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Short summary
We clarified the seasonal variations of PAN pollution, influencing factors, its mechanisms, and impacts on O3 based on OBM and GAM models. PAN presented inhibition and promotion effects on O3 under low and high ROx levels. Monitoring of PAN and its precursors, and the quantification of its impacts on O3 formation, significantly guide photochemical pollution control. The analysis methods used in this study provide a reference for study of the formation mechanisms of PAN and O3 in other regions.
Final-revised paper