Articles | Volume 22, issue 24
Research article
14 Dec 2022
Research article |  | 14 Dec 2022

Climatology and variability of air mass transport from the boundary layer to the Asian monsoon anticyclone

Matthias Nützel, Sabine Brinkop, Martin Dameris, Hella Garny, Patrick Jöckel, Laura L. Pan, and Mijeong Park

Data sets

The ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF)

Data used in "Climatology and variability of air mass transport from the boundary layer to the Asian monsoon anticyclone" M. Nützel, S. Brinkop, M. Dameris, H. Garny, P. Jöckel, L. L. Pan, and M. Park

Short summary
During the Asian summer monsoon season, a large high-pressure system is present at levels close to the tropopause above Asia. We analyse how air masses are transported from surface levels to this high-pressure system, which shows distinct features from the surrounding air masses. To this end, we employ multiannual data from two complementary models that allow us to analyse the climatology as well as the interannual and intraseasonal variability of these transport pathways.
Final-revised paper