Where does the dust deposited over the Sierra Nevada snow come from?
Data sets
Data for "Where does the dust deposited over the Sierra Nevada snow come from?" https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6795994
A global fine resolution dust optical depth dataset https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4244106
ERA5 Reanalysis (0.25 Degree Latitude-Longitude Grid), Research Data Archive at the National Center for Atmospheric Research https://doi.org/10.5065/BH6N-5N20
Evaluation of IASI-derived dust aerosol characteristics over the tropical belt (https://iasi.aeris-data.fr/dust-aod/) https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-14-9343-2014
MERRA-2 tavg1_2d_slv_Nx: 2d,1-Hourly,Time-Averaged,Single-Level,Assimilation,Single-Level Diagnostics V5.12.4 https://doi.org/10.5067/VJAFPLI1CSIV