Articles | Volume 22, issue 21
Research article
03 Nov 2022
Research article |  | 03 Nov 2022

Aerosol characteristics and polarimetric signatures for a deep convective storm over the northwestern part of Europe – modeling and observations

Prabhakar Shrestha, Jana Mendrok, and Dominik Brunner

Data sets

Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service regional emissions version 5.1 business-as-usual 2020 (CAMS-REG-v5.1 BAU 2020) J. Kuenen, S. Dellaert, A. Visschedijk, J.-P. Jalkanen, I. Super, and H. Denier van der Gon

Model code and software

C2SM/processing-chain EMPA

Pre-processing and analysis of the TSMP-ART and polarimetric rdar data: v1.0 (v1.0) P. Shrestha

Short summary
The study extends the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform with gas-phase chemistry aerosol dynamics and a radar forward operator to enable detailed studies of aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions. This is demonstrated using a case study of a deep convective storm, which showed that the strong updraft in the convective core of the storm produced aerosol-tower-like features, which affected the size of the hydrometeors and the simulated polarimetric features (e.g., ZDR and KDP columns).
Final-revised paper