Articles | Volume 22, issue 20
Measurement report
17 Oct 2022
Measurement report |  | 17 Oct 2022

Measurement report: Closure analysis of aerosol–cloud composition in tropical maritime warm convection

Ewan Crosbie, Luke D. Ziemba, Michael A. Shook, Claire E. Robinson, Edward L. Winstead, K. Lee Thornhill, Rachel A. Braun, Alexander B. MacDonald, Connor Stahl, Armin Sorooshian, Susan C. van den Heever, Joshua P. DiGangi, Glenn S. Diskin, Sarah Woods, Paola Bañaga, Matthew D. Brown, Francesca Gallo, Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario, Carolyn E. Jordan, Gabrielle R. Leung, Richard H. Moore, Kevin J. Sanchez, Taylor J. Shingler, and Elizabeth B. Wiggins

Data sets

Clouds Aerosols and Monsoon Processes Philippines Experiment NASA/LaRC/SD/ASDC

Clouds Aerosols and Monsoon Processes Philippines Experiment Worldview Interface University of Wisconsin/NASA EOSDIS

Short summary
The linkage between cloud droplet and aerosol particle chemical composition was analyzed using samples collected in a polluted tropical marine environment. Variations in the droplet composition were related to physical and dynamical processes in clouds to assess their relative significance across three cases that spanned a range of rainfall amounts. In spite of the pollution, sea salt still remained a major contributor to the droplet composition and was preferentially enhanced in rainwater.
Final-revised paper