Articles | Volume 22, issue 2
Research article
24 Jan 2022
Research article |  | 24 Jan 2022

The impact of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) sinks on age of air climatologies and trends

Sheena Loeffel, Roland Eichinger, Hella Garny, Thomas Reddmann, Frauke Fritsch, Stefan Versick, Gabriele Stiller, and Florian Haenel

Data sets

MIPAS monthly zonal mean Age of Air data, based on MIPAS SF6 retrievals, processed at KIT-IMK, Karlsruhe Gabriele Stiller

Short summary
SF6-derived trends of stratospheric AoA from observations and model simulations disagree in sign. SF6 experiences chemical degradation, which we explicitly integrate in a global climate model. In our simulations, the AoA trend changes sign when SF6 sinks are considered; thus, the process has the potential to reconcile simulated with observed AoA trends. We show that the positive AoA trend is due to the SF6 sinks themselves and provide a first approach for a correction to account for SF6 loss.
Final-revised paper