Articles | Volume 22, issue 17
Research article
07 Sep 2022
Research article |  | 07 Sep 2022

Cirrus cloud thinning using a more physically based ice microphysics scheme in the ECHAM-HAM general circulation model

Colin Tully, David Neubauer, Nadja Omanovic, and Ulrike Lohmann

Data sets

Data for the "Cirrus cloud thinning using a more physically-based ice microphysics scheme in the ECHAM-HAM GCM" manuscript C. Tully, D. Neubauer, N. Omanovic, and U. Lohmann

Model code and software

Data analysis and plotting scripts for the "Cirrus cloud thinning using a more physically-based ice microphysics scheme in the ECHAM-HAM GCM" manuscript C. Tully, D. Neubauer, N. Omanovic, and U. Lohmann

Short summary
The proposed geoengineering method, cirrus cloud thinning, was evaluated using a more physically based microphysics scheme coupled to a more realistic approach for calculating ice cloud fractions in the ECHAM-HAM GCM. Sensitivity tests reveal that using the new ice cloud fraction approach and increasing the critical ice saturation ratio for ice nucleation on seeding particles reduces warming from overseeding. However, this geoengineering method is unlikely to be feasible on a global scale.
Final-revised paper