Articles | Volume 21, issue 10
Research article
18 May 2021
Research article |  | 18 May 2021

Shape dependence of snow crystal fall speed

Sandra Vázquez-Martín, Thomas Kuhn, and Salomon Eliasson

Data sets

Snow ice particle microphysical properties and fall speed from particle images taken in Kiruna (Sweden) 2014–2018 T. Kuhn and S. Vázquez-Martín

Short summary
In this work, we present new fall speed measurements of natural snow particles and ice crystals. We study the particle fall speed relationships and how they depend on particle shape. We analyze these relationships as a function of particle size, cross-sectional area, and area ratio for different particle shape groups. We also investigate the dependence of the particle fall speed on the orientation, as it has a large impact on the cross-sectional area.
Final-revised paper