Articles | Volume 21, issue 9
Research article
05 May 2021
Research article |  | 05 May 2021

Impact of regional Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude anthropogenic sulfur dioxide emissions on local and remote tropospheric oxidants

Daniel M. Westervelt, Arlene M. Fiore, Colleen B. Baublitz, and Gustavo Correa


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Short summary
Particulate air pollution in the atmosphere can impact the availability of gas-phase chemical constituents, which can then have feedbacks on gas-phase air pollutants. We use a chemistry–climate computer model to simulate the impact of particulate pollution from three major world regions on gas-phase chemical constituents. We find that surface-level ozone air pollution decreases by up to 5 ppbv over China in response to Chinese particulate air pollution, which has implications for policy.
Final-revised paper