Articles | Volume 21, issue 8
Research article
21 Apr 2021
Research article |  | 21 Apr 2021

Volatile organic compound emissions from solvent- and water-borne coatings – compositional differences and tracer compound identifications

Chelsea E. Stockwell, Matthew M. Coggon, Georgios I. Gkatzelis, John Ortega, Brian C. McDonald, Jeff Peischl, Kenneth Aikin, Jessica B. Gilman, Michael Trainer, and Carsten Warneke

Data sets

NYICE Mobile Laboratory Data Download National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Chemical Sciences Laboratory

Short summary
Volatile chemical products are emerging as a large source of petrochemical organics in urban environments. We identify markers for the coatings category by linking ambient observations to laboratory measurements, investigating volatile organic compound (VOC) composition, and quantifying key VOC emissions via controlled evaporation experiments. Ingredients and sales surveys are used to confirm the prevalence and usage trends to support the assignment of water and solvent-borne coating tracers.
Final-revised paper