Articles | Volume 21, issue 5
Research article
15 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 15 Mar 2021

Long-term multi-source data analysis about the characteristics of aerosol optical properties and types over Australia

Xingchuan Yang, Chuanfeng Zhao, Yikun Yang, and Hao Fan


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Peer-review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision
AR by Chuanfeng Zhao on behalf of the Authors (13 Jan 2021)  Author's response    Manuscript
ED: Publish subject to technical corrections (29 Jan 2021) by Xiaohong Liu
AR by Chuanfeng Zhao on behalf of the Authors (31 Jan 2021)  Author's response    Manuscript
Short summary
We investigate the spatiotemporal distributions of aerosol optical properties and major aerosol types, along with the vertical distribution of the major aerosol types over Australia based on multi-source data. The results of this study provide significant information on aerosol optical properties in Australia, which can help to understand their characteristics and potential climate impacts.
Final-revised paper