Articles | Volume 21, issue 17
Research article
09 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 09 Sep 2021

Global dust optical depth climatology derived from CALIOP and MODIS aerosol retrievals on decadal timescales: regional and interannual variability

Qianqian Song, Zhibo Zhang, Hongbin Yu, Paul Ginoux, and Jerry Shen


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Short summary
We present a satellite-derived global dust climatological record over the last two decades, including the monthly mean visible dust optical depth (DAOD) and vertical distribution of dust extinction coefficient at a 2º × 5º spatial resolution derived from CALIOP and MODIS. In addition, the CALIOP climatological dataset also includes dust vertical extinction profiles. Based on these two datasets, we carried out a comprehensive comparative study of the spatial and temporal climatology of dust.
Final-revised paper