Articles | Volume 20, issue 14
Research article
24 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 24 Jul 2020

A convolution of observational and model data to estimate age of air spectra in the northern hemispheric lower stratosphere

Marius Hauck, Harald Bönisch, Peter Hoor, Timo Keber, Felix Ploeger, Tanja J. Schuck, and Andreas Engel


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Short summary
This study features an extended inversion method that includes transport across the extratropical tropopause to derive age spectra in the lowermost stratosphere from in situ trace gas measurements. The refined method is validated in a model setup and applied to data gained with the HALO research aircraft. Results are congruent with the findings of previous studies so that the method provides a promising toolset for the analysis of stratospheric dynamics based on observations in the future.
Final-revised paper