Articles | Volume 20, issue 9
Research article
15 May 2020
Research article |  | 15 May 2020

Deposition, recycling, and archival of nitrate stable isotopes between the air–snow interface: comparison between Dronning Maud Land and Dome C, Antarctica

V. Holly L. Winton, Alison Ming, Nicolas Caillon, Lisa Hauge, Anna E. Jones, Joel Savarino, Xin Yang, and Markus M. Frey

Data sets

Major ion chemistry and stable nitrate isotopic composition of aerosol, skin layer snow and snow pits at Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica V. H. L. W. Winton, M. Frey, L. Hauge, N. Caillon, J. Savarino, and R. Tuckwell, R.

Short summary
The transfer of the nitrogen stable isotopic composition in nitrate between the air and snow at low accumulation sites in Antarctica leaves an UV imprint in the snow. Quantifying how nitrate isotope values change allows us to interpret longer ice core records. Based on nitrate observations and modelling at Kohnen, East Antarctica, the dominant factors controlling the nitrate isotope signature in deep snow layers are the depth of light penetration into the snowpack and the snow accumulation rate.
Final-revised paper