Articles | Volume 20, issue 9
Research article
08 May 2020
Research article |  | 08 May 2020

Origin and transformation of ambient volatile organic compounds during a dust-to-haze episode in northwest China

Yonggang Xue, Yu Huang, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Long Chen, Liqin Wang, Shuncheng Lee, and Junji Cao


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Short summary
Particulate active metallic oxides in dust were proposed to influence the photochemical reactions of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A case study investigated the origin and transformation of VOCs during a windblown dust-to-haze pollution episode. In the dust event, a sharp decrease in VOC loading and aging of their components was observed. An increase in Ti and Fe and a fast decrease in trans-/cis-2-butene ratios demonstrated that dust can accelerate the oxidation of ambient VOCs.
Final-revised paper