Articles | Volume 20, issue 8
Research article
21 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 21 Apr 2020

The combined effect of two westerly jet waveguides on heavy haze in the North China Plain in November and December 2015

Xiadong An, Lifang Sheng, Qian Liu, Chun Li, Yang Gao, and Jianping Li


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Short summary
Severe haze occurred in the North China Plain (NCP) in November to December 2015. We found that the two Rossby waveguides within the westerly jet originating from the Mediterranean were responsible for the haze formation in the NCP. The weak East Asia winter monsoon and anomalous circulation with ascending motion over southern China and descending motion over the NCP related to the two Rossby waveguides, which modulated haze accumulation and favored the maintenance of severe haze.
Final-revised paper