Articles | Volume 20, issue 5
Research article
16 Mar 2020
Research article |  | 16 Mar 2020

Cloud condensation nuclei properties of South Asian outflow over the northern Indian Ocean during winter

Vijayakumar S. Nair, Venugopalan Nair Jayachandran, Sobhan Kumar Kompalli, Mukunda M. Gogoi, and S. Suresh Babu


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Short summary
Extensive measurements of the aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) properties in South Asian outflow to the northern Indian Ocean were carried out as a part of the ICARB-2018 experiment during winter. At high supersaturations, most of the aerosols in the South Asian outflow become activated as CCN, whereas the aerosol system over the equatorial Indian Ocean is less CCN efficient even at higher supersaturations.
Final-revised paper