Articles | Volume 20, issue 3
Research article
13 Feb 2020
Research article |  | 13 Feb 2020

Response of middle atmospheric temperature to the 27 d solar cycle: an analysis of 13 years of microwave limb sounder data

Piao Rong, Christian von Savigny, Chunmin Zhang, Christoph G. Hoffmann, and Michael J. Schwartz

Data sets

UV satellite data and science group, The Bremen daily Mg II index composite data UVSAT

The MLS Level 2 temperature product (version 4.2) NASA GES DISC

The MLS Level 2 geopotential height product NASA GES DISC

Short summary
We study the presence and characteristics of 27 d solar signatures in middle atmospheric temperature observed by the microwave limb sounder on NASA's Aura spacecraft. This is a highly interesting and significant subject because the physical and chemical mechanisms leading to these 27 d solar-driven signatures are, in many cases, not well understood. The analysis shows that highly significant 27 d solar signatures in middle atmospheric temperature are present at many altitudes and latitudes.
Final-revised paper