Articles | Volume 20, issue 23
Research article
03 Dec 2020
Research article |  | 03 Dec 2020

Application of holography and automated image processing for laboratory experiments on mass and fall speed of small cloud ice crystals

Maximilian Weitzel, Subir K. Mitra, Miklós Szakáll, Jacob P. Fugal, and Stephan Borrmann


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Short summary
The properties of ice crystals smaller than 150 µm in diameter were investigated in a cold-room laboratory using digital holography and microscopy. Automated image processing has been used to determine the track of falling ice crystals, and collected crystals were melted and scanned under a microscope to infer particle mass. A parameterization relating particle size and mass was determined which describes ice crystals in this size range more accurately than existing relationships.
Final-revised paper