Articles | Volume 20, issue 21
Research article
13 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 13 Nov 2020

Impacts of atmospheric transport and biomass burning on the inter-annual variation in black carbon aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau

Han Han, Yue Wu, Jane Liu, Tianliang Zhao, Bingliang Zhuang, Honglei Wang, Yichen Li, Huimin Chen, Ye Zhu, Hongnian Liu, Qin'geng Wang, Shu Li, Tijian Wang, Min Xie, and Mengmeng Li


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Short summary
Combining simulations from a global chemical transport model and a trajectory model, we find that black carbon aerosols from South Asia and East Asia contribute 77 % of the surface black carbon in the Tibetan Plateau. The Asian monsoon largely modulates inter-annual transport of black carbon from non-local regions to the Tibetan Plateau surface in most seasons, while inter-annual fire activities in South Asia influence black carbon concentration over the Tibetan Plateau surface mainly in spring.
Final-revised paper