Articles | Volume 20, issue 21
Research article
12 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 12 Nov 2020

Do alternative inventories converge on the spatiotemporal representation of spring ammonia emissions in France?

Audrey Fortems-Cheiney, Gaëlle Dufour, Karine Dufossé, Florian Couvidat, Jean-Marc Gilliot, Guillaume Siour, Matthias Beekmann, Gilles Foret, Frederik Meleux, Lieven Clarisse, Pierre-François Coheur, Martin Van Damme, Cathy Clerbaux, and Sophie Génermont


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Short summary
Studies have suggested the importance of ammonia emissions on pollution particle formation over Europe, whose main atmospheric source is agriculture. In this study, we performed an inter-comparison of two alternative inventories, both with a reference inventory, that quantify the French ammonia emissions during spring 2011. Over regions with large mineral fertilizer use, like over northeastern France, NH3 emissions are probably considerably underestimated by the reference inventory.
Final-revised paper