Articles | Volume 20, issue 21
Research article
10 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 10 Nov 2020

Spatial and temporal representativeness of point measurements for nitrogen dioxide pollution levels in cities

Ying Zhu, Jia Chen, Xiao Bi, Gerrit Kuhlmann, Ka Lok Chan, Florian Dietrich, Dominik Brunner, Sheng Ye, and Mark Wenig


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Latest update: 09 Oct 2024
Short summary
Average NO2 concentration of on-street mobile measurements (MMs) near the monitoring stations (MSs) was found to be considerably higher than the MSs data. The common measurement height (H) and distance (D) of the MSs result in 27 % lower average concentrations in total than the concentration of our MMs. Another 21 % difference remained after correcting the influence of the measuring H and D. This result makes our city-wide measurements for capturing the full range of concentrations necessary.
Final-revised paper