Articles | Volume 20, issue 21
Research article
09 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 09 Nov 2020

Employing airborne radiation and cloud microphysics observations to improve cloud representation in ICON at kilometer-scale resolution in the Arctic

Jan Kretzschmar, Johannes Stapf, Daniel Klocke, Manfred Wendisch, and Johannes Quaas

Data sets

Aircraft measurements of broadband irradiance during the ACLOUD campaign in 2017 J. Stapf, A. Ehrlich, E. Jäkel, and M. Wendisch

SID-3 1 Hz size distribution of cloud particles during the ACLOUD campaign in 2017 M. Schnaiter and E. Järvinen

Liquid water content measured by the Nevzorov probe during the aircraft ACLOUD campaign in the Arctic D. Chechin

OCEANET Cloud radar Mira-35 during POLARSTERN cruise PS106 H. Griesche, P. Seifert, R. Engelmann, M. Radenz, and J. Bühl

Short summary
This study compares simulations with the ICON model at the kilometer scale to airborne radiation and cloud microphysics observations that have been derived during the ACLOUD aircraft campaign around Svalbard, Norway, in May/June 2017. We find an overestimated surface warming effect of clouds compared to the observations in our setup. This bias was reduced by considering subgrid-scale vertical motion in the activation of cloud condensation nuclei in the two-moment microphysical scheme used.
Final-revised paper