Articles | Volume 20, issue 18
Research article
22 Sep 2020
Research article |  | 22 Sep 2020

CRI-HOM: A novel chemical mechanism for simulating highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) in global chemistry–aerosol–climate models

James Weber, Scott Archer-Nicholls, Paul Griffiths, Torsten Berndt, Michael Jenkin, Hamish Gordon, Christoph Knote, and Alexander T. Archibald


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Short summary
Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) are important for aerosol growth and new particle formation, particularly in air masses with less sulphuric acid. This new chemical mechanism reproduces measured [HOM] and [HOM precursors] and is concise enough for use in global climate models. The mechanism also reproduces the observed suppression of HOMs by isoprene, suggesting enhanced emissions may not necessarily lead to more aerosols. Greater HOM importance in the pre-industrial era is also shown.
Final-revised paper