Articles | Volume 20, issue 16
Research article
28 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 28 Aug 2020

Apparent dust size discrepancy in aerosol reanalysis in north African dust after long-range transport

Samantha J. Kramer, Claudia Alvarez, Anne E. Barkley, Peter R. Colarco, Lillian Custals, Rodrigo Delgadillo, Cassandra J. Gaston, Ravi Govindaraju, and Paquita Zuidema

Data sets

Datasets contributing to Kramer et al., 2020: Apparent dust size discrepancy in aerosol reanalysis in north African dust after long-range transport S. J. Kramer, C. A. Alvarez, A. Barkley, P. Colarco, L. Custals, R. Delgadillo, C. J. Gaston, R. Govindaraju, and P. Zuidema

Data contributing to Zuidema et al., 2019: "Is summer African dust arriving earlier at Barbados? The updated long-term in-situ dust mass concentration time series from Ragged Point, Barbados and Miami, Florida" P. Zuidema

Short summary
Comparisons of sea salt and size-resolved dust mass concentration measurements over southeast Florida to those from the MERRA-2/GEOS-5 FP aerosol reanalysis show the reanalysis depicts excessive sea salt and puts too much dust in larger intermediate sizes than do the measurements. The vertical distribution of the dust mass is approximately correct. The incorrect reanalysis aerosol speciation and dust sizes have implications for the modeling of their transport, deposition, and radiative impact.
Final-revised paper