Articles | Volume 19, issue 14
Research article
18 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2019

Urban population exposure to NOx emissions from local shipping in three Baltic Sea harbour cities – a generic approach

Martin Otto Paul Ramacher, Matthias Karl, Johannes Bieser, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, and Lasse Johansson


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Short summary
We simulated the impact of NOx shipping emissions on air quality and exposure in the Baltic Sea harbour cities Rostock (Germany), Riga (Latvia) and Gdańsk–Gdynia (Poland) for 2012. We found that local shipping affects total NO2, with contributions of 22 %, 11 % and 16 % in Rostock, Riga and Gdańsk–Gdynia. Exposure to NO2 from all emission sources was highest at home addresses (54 %–59 %). Emissions from shipping have a high impact on NO2 exposure in the port area (50 %–80 %).
Final-revised paper