Articles | Volume 19, issue 11
Research article
12 Jun 2019
Research article |  | 12 Jun 2019

An atmospheric inversion over the city of Cape Town: sensitivity analyses

Alecia Nickless, Peter J. Rayner, Robert J. Scholes, Francois Engelbrecht, and Birgit Erni

Data sets

CO2 Hourly Observations at Robben Island and Hangklip Alecia Nickless

Short summary
Different frameworks for an atmospheric inversion study over Cape Town, South Africa, are considered. We focused particularly on how sensitive the estimates of CO2 fluxes were to changes in the way the uncertainty in these estimates was specified and the impact different prior information had on the final flux estimates. We used atmospheric measurements from two new sites located near Cape Town: Robben Island and Hangklip lighthouses, which were specifically deployed for this inversion study.
Final-revised paper