Articles | Volume 19, issue 6
Research article
02 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 02 Apr 2019

The global climatology of the intensity of the ionospheric sporadic E layer

Bingkun Yu, Xianghui Xue, Xin'an Yue, Chengyun Yang, Chao Yu, Xiankang Dou, Baiqi Ning, and Lianhuan Hu


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 20 Sep 2024
Short summary
It reports the long-term climatology of the intensity of Es layers from COSMIC satellites. The global Es maps present high-resolution spatial distributions and seasonal dependence. It mainly occurs at mid-latitudes and polar regions. Based on wind shear theory, simulation results indicate the convergence of vertical ion velocity could partially explain the Es seasonal dependence and some disagreements between observations and simulations suggest other processes play roles in the Es variations.
Final-revised paper