Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Research article
07 Feb 2019
Research article |  | 07 Feb 2019

Snow-darkening versus direct radiative effects of mineral dust aerosol on the Indian summer monsoon onset: role of temperature change over dust sources

Zhengguo Shi, Xiaoning Xie, Xinzhou Li, Liu Yang, Xiaoxun Xie, Jing Lei, Yingying Sha, and Xiaodong Liu


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Short summary
Asian dust is one of the important components in modern and past climate change via its effects, including snow-darkening and direct radiation. We employed model experiments to evaluate these effects on Indian monsoon and found that the monsoon onset responds significantly to both. Snow-darkening effect weakens the monsoon, but direct radiative effect intensifies it. Besides the previous Tibetan Plateau studies proposed, our work highlights the importance of temperature change over dust sources.
Final-revised paper