Articles | Volume 19, issue 23
Research article
04 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 04 Dec 2019

The role of aerosol–radiation–cloud interactions in linking anthropogenic pollution over southern west Africa and dust emission over the Sahara

Laurent Menut, Paolo Tuccella, Cyrille Flamant, Adrien Deroubaix, and Marco Gaetani


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Short summary
Aerosol direct and indirect effects are studied over west Africa in the summer of 2016 using the coupled WRF-CHIMERE regional model including aerosol–cloud interaction parameterization. Sensitivity experiments are designed to gain insights into the impact of the aerosols dominating the atmospheric composition in southern west Africa. It is shown that the decrease of anthropogenic emissions along the coast has an impact on the mineral dust load over west Africa by increasing their emissions.
Final-revised paper