Articles | Volume 19, issue 20
Research article
16 Oct 2019
Research article |  | 16 Oct 2019

Aerosol vertical mass flux measurements during heavy aerosol pollution episodes at a rural site and an urban site in the Beijing area of the North China Plain

Renmin Yuan, Xiaoye Zhang, Hao Liu, Yu Gui, Bohao Shao, Xiaoping Tao, Yaqiang Wang, Junting Zhong, Yubin Li, and Zhiqiu Gao


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Short summary
To understand the contribution of ground emission during heavy pollution in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, aerosol fluxes were estimated in Beijing and Gucheng areas. The results show that in the three stages of a heavy pollution process (transport, accumulative and removal stages: TS, AS and RS), the ground emissions in the TS and RS stages are stronger, while the ground discharge in the AS stage is weak. The weakened mass flux indicates that the already weak turbulence would be further weakened.
Final-revised paper