Articles | Volume 18, issue 13
Research article
03 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 03 Jul 2018

Morphological features and mixing states of soot-containing particles in the marine boundary layer over the Indian and Southern oceans

Sayako Ueda, Kazuo Osada, Keiichiro Hara, Masanori Yabuki, Fuminori Hashihama, and Jota Kanda


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Peer-review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision
AR by Kazuo OSADA on behalf of the Authors (22 May 2018)  Author's response    Manuscript
ED: Publish subject to technical corrections (07 Jun 2018) by Allan Bertram
AR by Kazuo OSADA on behalf of the Authors (09 Jun 2018)  Author's response    Manuscript

Post-review adjustments

AA: Author's adjustment | EA: Editor approval
AA by Kazuo OSADA on behalf of the Authors (27 Jun 2018)   Author's adjustment   Manuscript
EA: Adjustments approved (28 Jun 2018) by Allan Bertram
Short summary
We investigated mixing states and morphological features of soot-containing particles, by using water-dialysis analysis in remote ocean areas over the southern Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean. Most particles were water-soluble. However, rarely were particles (2.1 % of particles on a TEM sample at a maximum) found to contain insoluble residuals with the characteristic soot shape.
Final-revised paper