Articles | Volume 18, issue 10
Research article
01 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 01 Jun 2018

Particle and VOC emission factor measurements for anthropogenic sources in West Africa

Sekou Keita, Cathy Liousse, Véronique Yoboué, Pamela Dominutti, Benjamin Guinot, Eric-Michel Assamoi, Agnès Borbon, Sophie L. Haslett, Laetitia Bouvier, Aurélie Colomb, Hugh Coe, Aristide Akpo, Jacques Adon, Julien Bahino, Madina Doumbia, Julien Djossou, Corinne Galy-Lacaux, Eric Gardrat, Sylvain Gnamien, Jean F. Léon, Money Ossohou, E. Touré N'Datchoh, and Laurent Roblou


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Short summary
This study provides emission factor (EF) data for elemental and organic carbon, total particulate matter and 58 volatile organic compound species for combustion sources specific to Africa to establish emission inventories with less uncertainty. EFs obtained in this study are generally higher than those in the literature whose values are used in emissions inventories for Africa. This shows that particles and VOC emissions were sometimes underestimated and underlines this study's importance.
Final-revised paper