Articles | Volume 18, issue 9
Research article
04 May 2018
Research article |  | 04 May 2018

Effect of ecological restoration programs on dust concentrations in the North China Plain: a case study

Xin Long, Xuexi Tie, Guohui Li, Junji Cao, Tian Feng, Shuyu Zhao, Li Xing, and Zhisheng An


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Short summary
Using satellite products of MODIS and the numerical model of WRF-DUST, we proved that the ecological restoration programs in China help to reduce the dust pollution in the NCP, providing a direct and quantified answer to the ongoing debate about the effectiveness of the national ERPs. Despite the limitations of the case study, we provide some insights into the effects of ERPs on the downwind area, where heavy haze often occurs due to anthropogenic air pollutants.
Final-revised paper