Articles | Volume 18, issue 23
Research article
07 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 07 Dec 2018

Arctic ice clouds over northern Sweden: microphysical properties studied with the Balloon-borne Ice Cloud particle Imager B-ICI

Veronika Wolf, Thomas Kuhn, Mathias Milz, Peter Voelger, Martina Krämer, and Christian Rolf


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Latest update: 03 Mar 2025
Short summary
Balloon-borne measurements of microphysical properties of Arctic ice clouds have been performed with an in situ particle imager and been analyzed for the first time with respect to how the ice particles have formed. Ice particle size, shape and number show large variations from cloud to cloud, which cannot be explained with local conditions only, and rather depend on conditions at cloud formation. Taking this into account when parametrizing ice cloud properties may improve retrievals and models.
Final-revised paper