Articles | Volume 18, issue 23
Research article
05 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 05 Dec 2018

Attributing differences in the fate of lateral boundary ozone in AQMEII3 models to physical process representations

Peng Liu, Christian Hogrefe, Ulas Im, Jesper H. Christensen, Johannes Bieser, Uarporn Nopmongcol, Greg Yarwood, Rohit Mathur, Shawn Roselle, and Tanya Spero


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Short summary
This study represents an intercomparison of four regional-scale air quality simulations in order to understand the model similarities and differences in estimating the impact of ozone imported from outside of the US on the surface ozone within the US at process level. Vertical turbulent mixing stands out as a primary contributor to the model differences in inert tracers.
Final-revised paper