Articles | Volume 18, issue 23
Research article
05 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 05 Dec 2018

The influence of particle composition upon the evolution of urban ultrafine diesel particles on the neighbourhood scale

Irina Nikolova, Xiaoming Cai, Mohammed Salim Alam, Soheil Zeraati-Rezaei, Jian Zhong, A. Rob MacKenzie, and Roy M. Harrison


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Short summary
There are increasing health concerns about the smallest airborne particles found in polluted urban atmospheres. These particles are composed of a mixture of oil-derived substances, but the exact composition is not known and is likely to be very complicated. We provide a way to compute how these particles change as their chemical make-up changes. We also outline the range of particle compositions that reproduce the behaviour of the smallest particles seen in field measurements.
Final-revised paper