Articles | Volume 18, issue 23
Research article
04 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 04 Dec 2018

Quantifying the large-scale electrification equilibrium effects in dust storms using field observations at Qingtu Lake Observatory

Huan Zhang and Xiaojing Zheng

Data sets

Quantifying the large-scale electrification equilibrium effects in dust storms using field observations at Qingtu Lake Observatory Huan Zhang and Xiaojing Zheng

Short summary
We conducted an extensive observational analysis involving 10 dust storms to assess the electrical properties of dust particles. Using wavelet coherence analysis, we found that the space charge density and dust concentration were highly correlated over 10 min timescales. The significant linear relationship between space charge density and dust concentration at given ambient conditions suggests that the mean charge-to-mass ratio of dust particles was expected to remain constant.
Final-revised paper