A satellite-based estimate of combustion aerosol cloud microphysical effects over the Arctic Ocean
Data sets
AIRS/Aqua L3 Daily Standard Physical Retrieval (AIRS+AMSU) 1 degree x 1 degree V006 https://doi.org/10.5067/Aqua/AIRS/DATA301
ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model: Procedures, Data Sources and Analysis https://doi.org/10.7289/V5C8276M
CALIPSO/CALIOP Level 2, Lidar 5km Merged Aerosol and Cloud Layer Data, version 4.10 https://doi.org/10.5067/CALIOP/CALIPSO/LID_L2_05kmMLay-Standard-V4-10
NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration, Version 2. [G02202] https://doi.org/10.7265/N55M63M1