Articles | Volume 18, issue 19
Research article
09 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 09 Oct 2018

A numerical modelling investigation of the role of diabatic heating and cooling in the development of a mid-level vortex prior to tropical cyclogenesis – Part 1: The response to stratiform components of diabatic forcing

Melville E. Nicholls, Roger A. Pielke Sr., Donavan Wheeler, Gustavo Carrio, and Warren P. Smith


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Short summary
Mid-level vortices are often observed to develop prior to the formation of a tropical cyclone. A numerical modelling simulation of tropical cyclogenesis is carried out which shows the development of a mid-level vortex, and an analysis indicates that sublimation at the base of the stratiform ice layer plays a major role in its formation. Understanding how mid-level vortices form and their role in tropical cyclogenesis may eventually lead to improved forecasts of these major weather events.
Final-revised paper