Articles | Volume 18, issue 14
Research article
17 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 17 Jul 2018

Particle acidity and sulfate production during severe haze events in China cannot be reliably inferred by assuming a mixture of inorganic salts

Gehui Wang, Fang Zhang, Jianfei Peng, Lian Duan, Yuemeng Ji, Wilmarie Marrero-Ortiz, Jiayuan Wang, Jianjun Li, Can Wu, Cong Cao, Yuan Wang, Jun Zheng, Jeremiah Secrest, Yixin Li, Yuying Wang, Hong Li, Na Li, and Renyi Zhang


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Short summary
Several studies using thermodynamic models estimated pH and sulfate formation rate during pollution periods in China are highly conflicting. Here we show distinct sulfate formation for organic seed particles from that of (NH4)2SO4 seeds, when the particles are exposed to SO2, NO2, and NH3 at high RH. Our results reveal that the pH value of ambient organics-dominated aerosols is sufficiently high to promote efficient SO2 oxidation by NO2 with NH3 neutralization under polluted conditions in China.
Final-revised paper