Articles | Volume 17, issue 11
Research article
07 Jun 2017
Research article |  | 07 Jun 2017

A novel method for deriving the aerosol hygroscopicity parameter based only on measurements from a humidified nephelometer system

Ye Kuang, Chunsheng Zhao, Jiangchuan Tao, Yuxuan Bian, Nan Ma, and Gang Zhao


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Short summary
A novel approach is proposed in this research to derive the aerosol hygroscopicity parameter based only on measurements from a humidified nephelometer system without any additional information about particle number size distribution and black carbon. New findings in this research can bridge the gap between κ-Köhler theory and the aerosol light-scattering enhancement factor and will make the humidified nephelometer system more convenient when it comes to aerosol hygroscopicity research.
Final-revised paper