Articles | Volume 17, issue 5
Research article
09 Mar 2017
Research article |  | 09 Mar 2017

Bromine atom production and chain propagation during springtime Arctic ozone depletion events in Barrow, Alaska

Chelsea R. Thompson, Paul B. Shepson, Jin Liao, L. Greg Huey, Chris Cantrell, Frank Flocke, and John Orlando


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Short summary
The generally accepted mechanism leading to ozone depletion events in the Arctic assumes efficient gas-phase recycling of bromine atoms, such that the rate of ozone depletion has often been estimated as the rate that Br atoms regenerate through gas-phase BrO + BrO and BrO + ClO reactions. Using a large suite of data from the OASIS2009 campaign, our modeling results show that the gas-phase regeneration of Br is less efficient than expected and that heterogeneous recycling on surfaces is critical.
Final-revised paper