Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
23 Feb 2017
Research article |  | 23 Feb 2017

Phenomenology of high-ozone episodes in NE Spain

Xavier Querol, Gotzon Gangoiti, Enrique Mantilla, Andrés Alastuey, Maria Cruz Minguillón, Fulvio Amato, Cristina Reche, Mar Viana, Teresa Moreno, Angeliki Karanasiou, Ioar Rivas, Noemí Pérez, Anna Ripoll, Mariola Brines, Marina Ealo, Marco Pandolfi, Hong-Ku Lee, Hee-Ram Eun, Yong-Hee Park, Miguel Escudero, David Beddows, Roy M. Harrison, Amelie Bertrand, Nicolas Marchand, Andrei Lyasota, Bernat Codina, Miriam Olid, Mireia Udina, Bernat Jiménez-Esteve, María R. Soler, Lucio Alonso, Millán Millán, and Kang-Ho Ahn


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Short summary
High summer O3 episodes in NE Spain were analysed. We evidence the relevance of local emission of precursors in meteorological scenarios of vertical air mass recirculations, when transboundary contributions are also significant. Forecasting these scenarios and sensitivity analysis of possible O3 precursors drop are key for potential abatement strategies. However, this is a very difficult task due to the complexity of scenarios, the external contributions, and the complex O3 production reactions.
Final-revised paper