Articles | Volume 17, issue 22
Research article
24 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 24 Nov 2017

Evaluation of climate model aerosol seasonal and spatial variability over Africa using AERONET

Hannah M. Horowitz, Rebecca M. Garland, Marcus Thatcher, Willem A. Landman, Zane Dedekind, Jacobus van der Merwe, and Francois A. Engelbrecht


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Short summary
Africa is a major source of particles (or aerosols) from dust and fires, which impact climate. Models used to predict impacts of future climate change have not been well tested for aerosols over Africa. In this study we evaluate aerosols in the CCAM climate model against observations across Africa and surrounding regions. We find the model generally captures observed variability but overestimates dust in northern Africa, which has implications for its representation of climate feedbacks.
Final-revised paper