Articles | Volume 17, issue 21
Research article
13 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 13 Nov 2017

Analysis of influential factors for the relationship between PM2.5 and AOD in Beijing

Caiwang Zheng, Chuanfeng Zhao, Yannian Zhu, Yang Wang, Xiaoqin Shi, Xiaolin Wu, Tianmeng Chen, Fang Wu, and Yanmei Qiu


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Short summary
This study analyzes influential factors including the aerosol type, relative humidity (RH), atmospheric boundary layer height (BLH), wind speed and direction, and aerosol vertical structure to the AOD–PM2.5 relationship. It shows that the ratio of PM2.5 to AOD, η, varies a lot with aerosol type. η is smaller for scattering-dominant (coarse mode) than for absorbing-dominant (fine mode) aerosol. The higher the RH (BLH), the larger (smaller) the η. η also decreases with the surface wind speed.
Final-revised paper