Articles | Volume 17, issue 20
Research article
27 Oct 2017
Research article |  | 27 Oct 2017

Hygroscopic behavior and chemical composition evolution of internally mixed aerosols composed of oxalic acid and ammonium sulfate

Xiaowei Wang, Bo Jing, Fang Tan, Jiabi Ma, Yunhong Zhang, and Maofa Ge


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Short summary
Our results reveal the formation of NH4HC2O4 and NH4HSO4 from the reaction of oxalic acid (OA) with ammonium sulfate within aerosols during the slow dehydration compared to the rapid dehydration process. The hygroscopic growth of mixed particles at high RH upon hydration is substantially lower than that of the corresponding dehydration process due to the significant formation of low hygroscopic NH4HC2O4 and residual OA. These findings have important implications for atmospheric chemistry.
Final-revised paper